Google Chrome: on Android, dark mode will also apply to web pages

Google is preparing a dark mode for both Android and Google Chrome in desktop and mobile version. A first glimpse of the mode allowed to see that the modifications applied only to the elements of the graphic interface of the navigator, but it would also be possible to force the blackening of the web pages in this future dark mode.

Many Google Chrome users are eagerly awaiting the arrival of its dark mode which is being prepared for both the web application and the Android version A glimpse of this dark mode in the beta of Chrome 73 found that only the elements of the browser interface darkened, but not the background of the web pages visited. It must be said that such Dark Mode is not really complete, but Google is working to apply the dark theme so that it is integral. It should also apply to web pages.

Google Chrome: dark mode will also impact web pages

Also applying to web pages, the dark mode of Google Chrome should look more like that of YouTube  that changes the appearance of all content. One may wonder why it could be otherwise, but the fact is that YouTube is fully controlled by Google while the presentation of websites depends only on developers.

But according to 9to5Google, the Mountain View company has found a way to force the darkening of the web pages to make this mode really complete, like the night mode of Samsung Browser on Android that transforms the white background web pages in black and the text in white for better readability at night and especially to avoid eye fatigue to users.

A change in Chromium's public source code indicates that a new "  enable-android-web-contents-dark-mode  " option  will be added to the Google Chrome kernel flags. Just the name allows you to get an idea of ​​what it is: allow the dark mode of web content on Android.

By going deeper into Chromium's source code, 9to5Google discovered that the option actually allowed Blink, the rendering engine of Google Chrome, to adapt the color of web pages based on their contrast. In doing so, the backgrounds and other interfaces that would have a light color will automatically darken for a full dark mode.
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