Nintendo Switch: a VR headset available from 2019

On many occasions, Nintendo has expressed its doubts about the RV market, but the company would have visibly changed its mind. The Nintendo World Report and GoNintendo websites tell us that Big N is working on a virtual reality project related to the Switch. They say, quoting internal sources, that a helmet could be released in 2019.

The VR on the Nintendo Switch , this eventuality has been mentioned several times in the past and a developer had even identified a reference to virtual reality in a piece of code console. But several officials of the Japanese firm have stated on more than one occasion that VR was not a priority for the Nintendo Switch. In 2018, the president of Nintendo France went so far as to say that virtual reality did not interest the general public.

Nintendo Switch: a VR headset could be in 2019

Does Big N hide his game? According to the generally well-informed Nintendo World Report website, the firm is currently working on a VR project. The site claims that a small number of "traditional first-party games will be compatible with VR in the near future". GoNintendo confirmed the information in the wake, citing its own sources.
The site went even further by stating that the first approach of Nintendo in the field will go through a VR helmet designed via the Nintendo Labo program . We would discover a cardboard helmet that makes us immediately think of Google Cardbord. According to GoNintendo, this helmet could be announced this year.
All this remains unofficial. This information is therefore to be taken with tweezers, but the Nintendo Labo approach to offer a simple and cheap helmet seems to be a smart choice to test the RV market without taking big risks. The success of this experiment could push Nintendo to go even further to offer a real alternative to Sony and its PSVR .
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