Fix It Already: an initiative to strengthen data security

An Internet Freedom NGO is proposing measures aimed at Silicon Valley giants to better protect the personal data of their users. 

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a San Francisco-based NGO that works to better regulate the privacy practices of technology companies and to support users who have been victims of fraudulent use of their personal data.

Nine concrete proposals to improve data confidentiality

To popularize its action and alert users to the importance of protecting privacy online, EFF is launching the Fix It Already campaign , a series of nine requests made to all Silicon Valley stakeholders. 

In the proposed list, the NGO is asking Apple to review its data encryptionoptions She regrets that, if the device information is encrypted, the backups made on iCloud are not and could be used by hackers in case of attack or by the government at the request of justice.

For EFF, tech giants seek excuses for not securing their systems better

In the same vein, EFF requires Twitter to encrypt direct messages between users, that Android offers full control of the permissions given to the websites visited or that Windows 10 includes a hard disk encryptiontool that is not must be linked to a Microsoft account, where the encryption key will be stored. WhatsApp is also in the viewfinder of the NGO, which asks that the user be consulted before being forced into a group conversation. 

The EFF gives practical cases which, according to it, are "  commercial decisions, security flaws or design choices  ". She adds, "  We have the technology to solve these problems and companies are looking for excuses to neglect best practices in security and privacy  ." 

She hopes that Internet users will feel sufficiently concerned about these crucial questions and invites them to share these proposals on social networks. 
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