Gmail: the right click will gain many features

Google has indicated to its users that right clicking on an email will soon offer many more options than today. The enriched contextual menu will be available from February 22nd.

A right click finally enriched and useful

New options for the Gmail desktop interface If Google messaging has long been a right-click context menu , it is very poor with only a few options for archiving and moving. 

The search engine will improve this useless menu by adding many optionsvery soon By right clicking on one of the received mails you will be able to answer to the transmitter or all the members of a discussion, to transfer, to wait, to search for the previous mails of this person or according to a specified object or to open multiple mails in different windows and assign a label.

Updated from February 22 for all Gmail users

It will soon be necessary to open an email to access these different functions, bringing a little closer Gmail a classic inbox like Outlook or Apple Mail. A real time saver for users wishing to manage their mail quickly from the browser and features long expected by advanced users of the online service. 

The deployment of this enriched right click will be very fast. Google announces that the update has already begun for G Suite business accounts and will then be pushed progressively to all Gmail users from February 22nd. 
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