Holoscreen wants to make 3D your smartphone screen ... for $ 30

It must be admitted, the 3D has largely lost its prestige. Real phenomenon in the early 2010s, this technology has not managed to settle permanently in everyday life or cinema. Augmented reality and virtual reality offer a better immersion, but some companies do not intend to drop the three dimensions. 

He is a copywriter of the Cnet site which shows a curiosity that should be marketed very soon for our smartphones.

A 3D reminiscent of the 3DS

Han Jin, the CEO of Lucid, presented a film to protect the screen of an iPhone 7. If nothing seems new at first, this protection is actually the ability to bring out elements posted on the screen. 3D screen. 

In summary, the technology can be compared to that present on the Nintendo 3DS console. No need for glasses since it is the film that does all the work ... or almost. The named protection Holoscreen works with the help of the application Lucid to realize this little trick of magic. If the app is not enabled, then the protective film looks like any other classic model.

To give more depth to clichés and clips

Thus, it will be possible to watch videos and 3D photos via this process. Home achievements can even be shared online via the Lucid app. There is still a restriction, since only smartphones equipped with two sensors at the back are compatible with this technology. 

Two companies are behind the Holoscreen . Holitech, which manufactures screens for mid-range smartphones, and Lucid, specializing in the field of 3D AI. These companies have also expressed their wish to offer this three-dimensional to a wide audience since the protective film will be sold between $ 30 and $ 40 per unit . The marketing will be done this summer . 

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