How to filter the blue light

How to filter the blue light from your screens and improve your sleep.

Blue light has a negative impact on our sleep and our sight. With the development of tablets and smartphones, we are constantly bombarded with blue light. To protect yourself and your health, we have some solutions to offer. 
The growing use of smartphones and tablets puts this light in the heart of the media storm. According to one study, prolonged exposure to blue light  accelerates the process of degeneration of your eyeball and permanently destroys valuable cells.
Similarly, if you have bad nights, maybe your use of new technologies is to question. Watching Netflix or Facebook before going to sleep is clearly not advisable . Exposure to bright light in the dark can lead to sleep disturbances, researchers say. So here are some tips on how to filter the blue light from your screens .

The problem of blue light

Exposure to this blue light of short wavelength is caused by any backlit screen but also by the sun. If during the day it is beneficial to us, it is because this light keeps us alert and awake . It is also thanks to the star that have worked since the beginning of time our life cycles. We live according to the solar phases, wake up at sunrise and fall asleep at bedtime.

That's why these screens help to disrupt our sleep. They trap our brains who, by these bright projections think it is still day. As a result, they stop the secretion of melatonin, which is supposed to prepare your body for a night of rest. Another study reveals that, placed on a car dashboard, an LED projecting a blue light would reduce the risk of falling asleep at the wheel.

Solutions to filter blue light

Some developers have found a parade or at least a short-term solution that can improve the problem of blue light  in cases where you refuse to put your smartphone or tablet before turning a blind eye. Android offers since Nougat options that help reduce the light. Here is the procedure to activate them.

  • Appointment in the settings of your Android smartphone
  • Then go to display
  • Go first in adjusting the brightness . This mode will adjust the brightness of your screen to your environment and your activities. This option will reduce blue light throughout the day and reduce eye strain.
  • Go back
  • Then press night lighting
  • Choose Activate now . This option will color your screen amber red. Via the cursor, you are free to set an intensity.
Android applications also offer filters that can reduce or even eliminate the blue light emanation. The advantage is that these filters are activated in the dark but not in daylight. Once the sun is down, the filter will help reduce the temperature of your screen. Of course, this is not done without a few minor inconveniences: your screen will show a yellowish tint   because of the presence of the filter, the contrast of the screen will be a little reduced and some buttons will not work perfectly (you will have to close the screen). application to operate them).
Surprising and even embarrassing at first, it is done quite quickly all the more especially as the difference in the ocular is really felt. The negative effects of blue light are totally blocked, the brightness is softened and therefore, your eyes will tell you thank you.

Android apps to filter blue light


Probably the best Android app on this subject. The application will gradually reduce the intensity of the colors by increasing their red hues. It will dim the brightness of your screen until you have reached the desired intensity and color levels. This progressive adjustment is  almost imperceptible .
The liveliness of white turns to a slight gray and then in a matter of moments, while you are focused on a reading on your screen, the intensity of the colors will have been lowered to the maximum without you noticing . Twilight is able to make adjustments permanently thanks to the brightness sensors integrated into your smartphone. You will not have to go back to the settings once the parameters have been set during the first configuration. The paid version costs € 2.99. 

CF .Lumen

cf lumen
This app is for rooted smartphones . If Twilight is not enough for you, CF .Lumen should provide you with more settings since it is not just for blue light attenuation, it can also be helpful to color-blind people, for example. Its other advantage is that, operating on a rooted phone, CF .Lumen has the ability to directly affect the screen. Twilight affixed a red filter on the entire interface here, the application uses a custom driver that can control the colors displayed on the screen.
Potentially more efficient than Twilight, the rendering also seems more qualitative, not causing for example loss of contrast. The contents consulted are easier to read , the effects seem less rough. The app uses your geolocation to find out what time it is at home. By default, it will activate the Sunshine Color Filter  during the declining phase of the sun. From 1 am to 5 am it will go into extreme Sleep Color Filter mode  turning all settings to red. CF .Lumen is also available free but to avoid advertising, the paid version also exists.
As with any rooted application, during installation it will ask you to install several custom drivers causing a reboot. If you intend to uninstall the application later, remember to remove these drivers via the application settings before. CF .Lumen can also run in non-rooted mode , but will be similar to Twilight.

Alternative solutions

For people who have trouble getting to the red / yellow screen, other alternatives can be proposed . These solutions may flow more source but it is always good to repeat them. First of all, if you are used to using your tablet in your bed and in the dark, opt for your smartphone. The light zone will be smaller.
Then lower the brightness of the screen to the maximum and if they allow it, activate the night mode of the applications you use. EBooks apps, for example, have night modes that override blacks and whites, or add a sepia filter to reduce the intensity. There are also Android tutorials to further lower the brightness of your screen . You can also try the Lux app. F.Lux is also a solution for your Windows computers.
If you spend long hours in front of a computer screen, for professional or personal reasons, we advise you to invest in a pair of glasses capable of filtering blue light. There are great gaming-based models on a site like Amazon. Do not hesitate to send us your comments on this subject if you know other tips on how to filter the blue light from our screens .
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