Chrome adds DuckDuckGo to its list of default search engines

Since its last update (version 73), the Google Chrome browser now offers DuckDuckGo in its list of default search engines. 

Of course, when you launch and configure for the first time Chrome, it is always Google that is the default engine, ensuring that every query entered from the address bar is done with the powerful tool of the Web giant. Among the list of other search engines available by default, Chrome has so far proposed Yahoo and Bing , but no search engine really "respectful of privacy."

A decision motivated by the popularity of DuckDuckGo?

An "oversight" repaired by Google, since the giant has just added, through its new update introducing version 73 of Chrome , DuckDuckGo to its default search engines. 
The reason, however, seems to be on the growing popularity of DuckDuckGo rather than Google's desire to protect your privacy. Since 2016, the popularity of DuckDuckGo has indeed more than doubled and the number of searches per year is now above the 12 billion mark. This is nothing compared to Google and its 3 billion searches per day (!) , But obviously enough for the giant to include in its latest update.
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