10 things to know before getting tattooed:

Infection, allergy ... if it attracts more and more followers, the tattoo is not without risk. 10 things to know about tattooing before you start.


The tattooist prepares the area of ​​skin by asepsis in four stages (washing with antiseptic liquid soap, rinsing, drying, two successive cleanings with an antiseptic ). He does not apply any anesthetic cream, which could interfere with his work. It uses sterile disposable gloves and needles. At the end of the session, the tattooed area is cleaned, left for a few minutes, then cleaned again. A healing cream and / or a dressing are applied. The area can also be wrapped in food film. 
How much does it cost ? From 80 to 150 € per hour on average. As an indication, the tattoo of the entire arm costs around € 2,500.
What are the suites?
In the hours that follow, there is a normal inflammatory reaction. The skin will bleed, reject lymph and ink. After 24 hours, leave the tattoo in the air and ensure that it is always hydrated. If the inflammation persists for several days or becomes painful, it is better to contact your tattooist, who can refer to a doctor.


Yes. Some areas of the body are much more sensitive: the ankle, chest, wrist and neck . Tattoos on the ribs or knees, more bony and innervated, are more painful. The muscles and fat of the arms, thighs, calves or buttocks better ameliorate the pain.
The feeling felt? A sting when the needle enters the skin and a burn when the ink is diffused. The intensity is also proportional to the size of the pattern ...


After the session, the skin must be treated with care so as not to become infected and to heal well.
  • The whole area is hydrated four or five times a day, with a Dexeryl or Bepanthen type of treatment , until healing (at least one month).
  • We do not take a bath for at least two weeks. You wash yourself with soap and water in the shower, gently passing your hand over the tattooed area. Wipe by tapping the area with a clean towel and hydrate.
  • We ban the sun and artificial UV at least a month.
  • Even if itches, it avoids scratching his tattoo, to avoid any scar.


For complete healing, it takes at least a month. to keep all the beauty of the tattoo, it is better to continue to moisturize your skin once or twice a day. And apply an SPF 50+ sunscreen as soon as you expose yourself, so that the colors and the tattoo's layout remain intact for as long as possible.


"The main risk is infection," notes Dr. Kluger. It occurs most often during sessions and may be caused by poor skin disinfection, poorly sanitized equipment, bacterial-contaminated ink, or a lack of local care during the healing phase. " However, if one uses a professional tattoo artist, the risks of contracting hepatitis or HIV are very limited.


"There are no real contraindications, aside from pregnancy," says Dr. Kluger. Because in case of infection, the pregnant woman can not take any antibiotic. "
If you suffer from a skin disease, it is better to take the advice of your dermatologist. We will obviously avoid being tattooed on or in times of crisis. In some cases, dermatitis ( psoriasis , vitiligo , eczema ...) will choose to develop precisely on the tattoo!


"Those related to ink can be triggered very quickly or months later,"says Dr. Kluger Red ink and its variations (pink, purple, purple) are the most allergenic . The area starts to swell, it itches. Avoid scratching and soothe inflammation, either locally with a corticosteroid cream or by injecting cortisone directly into the tattoo. And if the patient is very embarrassed, the ultimate solution is to remove the area that poses a problem or down the entire tattoo! "


"No, not really, but you have to know that the face, the neck and the hands are parts of the body that age less well because they are very exposed," says the specialist.
The tattoo may deteriorate faster: it will lose its colors and the sharpness of its layout. " It is also noteworthy, especially when one is a woman, a tattoo on the thighs, hips or belly may be deformed with the gain or loss of weight ( pregnancy , menopause ...).


Inks used in France are regulated by a European recommendation. Resolution ResAP (2008) limits the threshold of impurities not to be exceeded. European manufacturers have a set of specifications to meet, and professional tattoo artists always buy their inks in the European Union or the United States.

A new laser to remove them

The picosecond laser is more efficient, faster and better tolerated than the Q-Switch. It leaves fewer scars and the necks, which were once difficult to remove (blue, green, purple and yellow), leave better. "It usually takes six to twelve months to remove a tattoo," says Dr. Marie Jourdan. The sessions last between 10 and 45 minutes and are spaced a month apart. It's painful, you have to apply an anesthetic cream before. Then wash with soap and water, apply a healing cream twice a day for at least a week, and avoid sun exposure and rubbing. "These lasers are still few in France. For a simple tattoo, a Q-Switch laser is effective with a lower price: between 90 and 350 € against 250 to 500 € for a session with a picosecond model.
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