What essential oils during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are often advised to avoid essential oils as they may enter the placenta. However, some of them can be used, in a limited way, from the second trimester of pregnancy. The advice of Julien Kaibeck, author of My Slow Cosmetic Family .


In the first trimester of pregnancy , no essential oil is authorized by precautionary principle. The fear comes mainly from the risk of miscarriage because of some molecules deemed abortive. But do not worry if you've used cosmetics that contain low amounts of essential oils before you even know you're pregnant. If you have notfelt any contraction , you have no problem with it.


From 4 to 9 months, certain essential oils are authorized but at a dosage of 1% maximum for daily care (that is to say 25 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of product in total) or a dosage of 3% maximum (75 drops) for targeted care more punctual.
"We only use essential oils in diffusion, with a good diffuser or massage for beauty care but never directly on the stomach, and never by internal or direct inhalation" insists Julien Kaibeck.


  • Officinal lavender : pimples, bruises, hematomas
  • Noble chamomile : gratings, rashes
  • Rosewood and hemp wood : lack of elasticity of the skin
  • Petitgrain bigarade : pimples, stress
  • Sweet orange and mandarin : sleep, anguish of childbirth
  • Lemon : nausea
  • Neroli and Ylang-Ylang : damaged hair
  • Patchouli : heavy legs


Until the end of pregnancy, we avoid at all costs essential oils that contain ketones, which are chemical compounds deemed abortive:
  • Pepper mint
  • Clove
  • Cedar
  • Cypress
  • Palmarosa
  • Clary Sage: This essential oil can be used 5 days before the expected date of delivery (but not before) mixed with true lavender and clove, to trigger work. Here is the recipe.
Make yourself a relaxing massage oil for childbirth
In an amber glass bottle of 15ml, pour:
  • 8 drops of clary sage essential oil
  • 13 drops of HE of true lavender
  • 4 drops of clove EO
  • 3 teaspoons of apricot kernel oil or sweet almond oil (optional).

Shake the bottle and let stand. Pour 5 drops of this mixture on the lower back for a gentle massage, one to two times a day maximum. And never before the 5th day before delivery . You can obviously discuss this with your midwife and / or gynecologist.

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