Amazon will launch a mysterious new supermarket chain

The giant e-commerce Amazon feed more and more ambitions in the supermarket market. The firm would like to diversify its supermarket offer by opening a new chain by the end of the year. 

It's been a while since Amazon is no longer just an online business player. By acquiring the Whole Foods Market organic supermarket chain, and then launching the grocery stores without an Amazon Go cash register , the company had already proven its appetite for physical outlets. And the giant does not seem satiated.

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Indeed, according to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon is about to launch a new supermarket chain . This would mean, first, the opening of a new store in Los Angeles , by the end of the year. 

The goal of these new outlets would be to diversify Amazon's physical offering. This would include offering fresh, non-organic produce to attract a different customer base than Whole Foods, but also beauty and health products. While posting lower prices than in the group's current supermarkets.

Become an important player in supermarkets

On the other hand, we do not know much more about this new Amazon initiative. The name of this new supermarket chain remains mysterious, as is its future visual identity. The Wall Street Journal, however, seems to have an idea of ​​their size and advances an average area of ​​3,250 sqm(which is half the size of the average US supermarket). 

For Amazon, this new offer could be an opportunity to weigh more in the world of mass distribution. With its organic supermarkets, the group represents only 4% of the US market , against 21% for the reference in the field, Walmart. 
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