PS5 and Xbox Scarlett should be above 10.7 Teraflops from Google Stadia

Already described as "outdated" by observers in comparison to Stadia, the PS5 and the next Xbox should still be well armed to meet the competition. 

Better yet, the future machines of Sony and Microsoft could do better than Google in terms of power.

Stadia stronger than everyone?

With the advent of streaming video gaming , the future of this industry seems to be on the verge of drastically changing. Google has done a lot of talking with its service Stadia which will be launched at the end of the year. The brand has promised that developers will no longer be limited by the capabilities of consoles through this "revolution" and we could fear for the future of giants like Sony and Microsoft.

Google will not dictate its law right away

According to the highly knowledgeable journalist Jason Schreier, the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will exceed the 10.7 Teraflops shipped by Stadia to their launch. Thus, and even if it will be necessary to see if the rest holds the road especially at the level of the RAM, the future consoles should largely compete with Google ... at least at first. Indeed, Stadia will evolve constantly and will gain in power over the years. 

Schreier also wanted to remind that Sony and Microsoft will not release their future machines until 2020. At present, still too few studios have in their hands the famous development kits. This is the American firm that should hit first since two new Xboxto be presented at E3 2019 next June. 
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