The Galaxy S10 5G capable of downloading at 1Gbps in 5G

On his land, in Korea, Samsung has managed to reach the threshold of 1 Gbps in download speed with a Galaxy S10 5G. The device benefited from the 5G commercial network of the Korean operator KT Corporation. The latter ensures that under its aegis, the new cellular network will be accessible to users in 85 Korean cities by the end of the month. 

It's a nice shot that Samsung has just concluded in Korea. With its partner, KT Corporation, the smartphone giant has managed to prove, at least in part, the capabilities of its latest flagship in terms of 5G transfer speeds In a statement, both entities welcome the success of the operation.

A test performed on the commercial 5G of KT Corporation

"  This is a key achievement for both companies,  " reads an excerpt from the release, relayed by the US site Cnet . "  This proves that the 5G commercial network is ready to deliver stable transfer speeds of one gigabyte to end-users  ." 

As the next generation of cellular networks, 5G brings the promise of higher transfer speeds than the current 4G standard. It must also improve the responsiveness of mobile networks and their coverage in the territories. With the 5G, it is also an accelerated development of the Internet of the objects which is looming, as well as a gain of comfort in the most demanding streaming activities in terms of bandwidth.

5G being deployed in the United States

If Korea is well positioned in terms of 5G coverage, US operators are not left behind. As Cnet recalls, Verizon proposed limited 5G coverage last year and promises to launch its new mobile network in 30 US cities by the end of 2019. AT & T, for its part, was offering in December, but in some cities only , 5G Hotspot points. The company plans, however, like Verizon, a commercial deployment of its 5G this year. 
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