Intel says its 5G chips will not equip smartphones until 2020

The US company should not equip terminals with its 5G modem before next year, which could well cringe at Apple
This is news that will not give a smile to Apple . On Friday, giant Intelannounced that its 5G modem would not hit the market in 2019, but rather from 2020. The information was confirmed by Sandra Rivera, who is in charge of the network chip business of the firm, from Palo Alto, California. His comments, relayed by our colleagues Reuters, obviously do not reassure Apple, its star customer.

The first iPhone "5G-compatible" pushed back to 2020

Faced with the impossibility of releasing an iPhone equipped with a 5G modem provided by Intel in 2019, Apple had already surveyed somecompeting companies like Samsung and MediaTek, but we know nothing about the content of their respective discussions. 
It is known, however, that on February 7, Apple transferred its modem engineering efforts to the same division as the processor chips.

Intel plans to diversify and take advantage of announced 5G boom

Unless provided in modems for its phones, the firm at the apple should be forced to postpone the potential marketing of a iPhone compatible with the generation 5G next year. Separated from Qualcomm , Apple had anyway already accepted its "fate" months ago.
Intel CEO Bob Swan said his firm could move to other markets than mobile modems, such as cars. The company boss also said that the modems could be included in other devices, such as network equipment, in parallel with the deployment of 5G.
Last September, Intel announced that Nokia and Ericsson - Huawei's competing OEMs - would use its technology to deploy 5G worldwide.
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